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Conservation and Land-Use Planning in the Hudson River Estuary Watershed

The Hudson River estuary watershed, spanning more than 5,000 square miles in southeastern New York, is recognized for its remarkable biological diversity. For more than two decades, Cornell University's Department of Natural Resources and the Environment and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC) Hudson River Estuary Program have implemented a joint initiative to conserve important ecosystems in the estuary watershed. Working with scientific partners, we've increased our understanding of ecological resources and conservation priorities in the watershed and continue to develop new data and tools. Through outreach and technical assistance, we are building the capacity of local government and non-profit partners to conduct scientifically-sound planning and reach conservation outcomes that benefit people, the watershed, and the estuary.

This website serves as a clearinghouse of strategies, publications, tools, and information to support local decision-makers throughout the estuary watershed. A condensed listing of program materials, including webinars and fact sheets, is available on the DEC website.