Other Mappers
The availability of digital data is constantly increasing, and many other agencies and organizations are using web-based mappers to provide users with easy access to their spatial data. The following list includes online mappers that may be informative for land-use and conservation planning in the estuary watershed.
Tool | Source and Description |
Environmental Resource Mapper | DEC mapper with natural resource and environmental features that are state protected, federally protected, or of conservation concern. |
DECinfo Locator | DEC mapper with environmental quality and outdoor recreation information. |
SEQR EAF Mapper | DEC mapper tool designed to help answer some questions from Part I of the Full and Short Environmental Assessment Forms. |
New York Nature Explorer | DEC mapper with general information about animals, plants, and significant natural communities. |
Cultural Resource Information System | NY State Historic Preservation Office and Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation online resource on historic places and archaeological zones. |
Sea Level Rise and Tidal Wetland Pathways |
Scenic Hudson interactive mapper with projections on sea level rise and tidal wetland migration. |
Hudson River Flood Impact Decision Support System | Mapping tool designed to help users assess the impacts of flooding and inform planning decisions in municipalities bordering the Hudson River and Westchester Long Island Sound shoreline. |
Web Soil Survey | National Resource Conservation Service mapper with county soil survey data. |
The National Map | United States Geological Survey mapper with topography, hydrography, and land cover data. |
Discover GIS Data NY |
NY State mapper with orthoimagery. |
iMapInvasives Data | Collaborative, GIS-based database and mapping tool that serves as the official invasive species database for New York State. |